Room's climate monitoring system using prometheus grafana and kubernetes


Kubernetes Monitoring
Currencies prices monitoring


Kubernetes Monitoring
Best practises of deploying apps to kubernetes


Kubernetes Microservices
The cheapest kubernetes cluster for personal usage (not production)

Everybody who worked with kubernetes knows how powerful and convenient it is. If you are an engineer, and you need a kubernetes cluster for your personal purposes you may find it quite expensive. However you can save your money if you configure it by yourself. Kubernetes

Kubernetes Microservices
Bigdata DNA analysis

Some time ago I worked on a very important project about DNA variants analysis. Everyone in this world has a lot of DNA variants, most of them mean nothing, but some of them are important. Scientists from different parts of the world have opened gigabytes of useful knowledge about different variants. The goal of our project is to find something useful in this heap of data and probably save life to a patient. DNA

Java9+ development

I’ve been listening many things about new releases of java and jigsaw feature for more than year. Sometimes it seems that you are the only one person who haven’t tried java9 yet. Anyway, it is necessary to move with the times, that’s why I decided to use java 10 in some personal activities. By june 2018, I got following conclusions:

AWS glacier multipart uploader

Recently I was finding the cloud for keeping backup of my personal data and I was attracted by AWS Glacier prices for data storage. Even the way of presenting price is very attractive: “$0.004 per GB / month” - sounds like almost free. However, I wouldn’t say it is unique price, but anyway it is a good service in some cases and it would be good to have possibility to use it. This article is about personal data storage and my simple application for uploading files to AWS Glacier. Providers

docker swarm cluster creation

In the previous post, I described the docker swarm cluster for simple CRUD application. This article clarifies how to create it step by step. Please, look throw the previous post before reading this one. Nodes

Docker Swarm Microservices