stateless app and whole container (no volumes needed)
one container = one service
There is no way when container is up, but the app is down and not launching.
Ensure that you are allowed to use all app dependencies (check licenses)
Ingress is used. All TLS termination is done on ingress.
The docker image must have explicit version (not “latest”)
Less image size
small docker base image (i. e. alpine)
multi-stage Dockerfile (in case of it is needed)
all big static data (images, videos, sounds, etc) is out of container.
all processes are launched by not root user
Container doesn’t include vulnerabilities that are excluded by current politics (sometimes the politics are quite strict, for example for medical applications)
no sensitive data inside container. All sensitive data must be in kubernetes secrets.
CPU and memory limits must be set.
Logs are published to console (not to some file inside container)
All probes are implemented and set: livelinessProbe, readinessProbe, startupProbe
The app and container must produce at least important metrics.
Good style
Cron tasks are managed by kubernetes cronjob
Configurations are excluded from container to configMap kubernetes.