Posts with tag: Computer-vision
Sign detection in a document

There is a business process which includes printing some document and signing it by a client. However, clients often forget to sign and cause a lot of problems and excess actions. It is needed to reduce number of unsigned documents, but don’t use additional alerts and messages to be more user-friendly. I was asked to solve this problem and I’ve done it. In this post I’m going to describe solution, which uses opecv+javacv. I told about this libraries in previous post. Positive selection

OpenCV JavaCV Computer vision
Searching a fragment with OpenCV (JavaCV)

Month ago I faced with problem of detection some object in an image. After long internet surfing about it, I’ve found out that the best approach to this problem is OpenCV library. It is a cool library for working with images. It is written for all operation systems, it has rich possibilities, it has good documentation. However, I used to work with Java, so I’ve found java wrapper for it - JavaCV Plan

OpenCV JavaCV Computer vision