Posts with tag: Microservices
Best practises of deploying apps to kubernetes


Kubernetes Microservices
The cheapest kubernetes cluster for personal usage (not production)

Everybody who worked with kubernetes knows how powerful and convenient it is. If you are an engineer, and you need a kubernetes cluster for your personal purposes you may find it quite expensive. However you can save your money if you configure it by yourself. Kubernetes

Kubernetes Microservices
docker swarm cluster creation

In the previous post, I described the docker swarm cluster for simple CRUD application. This article clarifies how to create it step by step. Please, look throw the previous post before reading this one. Nodes

Docker Swarm Microservices
Playground cluster by docker swarm

I wonder how easy a simple cluster with microservices can be created today. Thanks to such projects like docker swarm and kubernetes. You don’t have to write your own soft for cluster management, most of them have been already created. Also, these platforms unify different projects’ structures and it is easier to support them by different engineers. Docker swarm project seems to be the easiest and the best solution for coming into the microservices’ world. Despite the creation of a cluster may take several minutes with a few commands, a lot of work should be done in order to provide reliability, flexibility, and scalability of the whole application. Docker swarm is a very powerful instrument and it provides great possibilities - our mission is to use it in right way. In this post, I suggest one of the infinite numbers of solutions for simple application. It should be noted, everything in this post is for education purposes - just to get known what can be done with docker swarm. Application description

Docker Swarm Microservices